Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Finally, the drawing is finished

At last, my cats have finally let me finish my drawing of a tree trunk.

The distractions of an illustrator

Just what am I to do, I try and do some work and I get hussled at every turn. I think I am turning into a mad cat lady...

This is Charlie, laying on my page...

And this is Archie, he is giving me a hug...

New tree bark drawing

This is a drawing I have been working on recently of the gnarly bark of a tree. This is like drawing therapy for me. I'm gonna do some more tonight as I have a bit of a televisual treat in store for me, brand new Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis and two lots of brand new LOST!!! I have crisp's, plenty o' tea bags and a whole packet of chocolate biscuits.

Friday, November 10, 2006

The joys of a new sketchbook

Ah yes, the joys of a new sketchbook, I bought myself a new sketchbook last Friday. Having not used a sketchbook for quite some time now I am so excited, possibly too excited, but it's re-kindled my enjoyment in using sketchbooks. I remember a few years back at college talking to someone about the joys of a new sketchbook and saw the horror on their face, as they felt there was nothing more scary than an empty book, it must be the optimist in me but all I think of is the possibilities...

Organic font

Organic font created from the drying flower stems of some sort of passion flower (I think). I might work on these a little more, maybe draw from them.

Framed triptych

These were recently sold as a set of three framed pictures, sad to see them leave as they were my favourites, but happy to see them go to the Central Saint Martins archival museum.